Recommended Books

Resources on leadership, management, communication, effectiveness, trust that we need to learn and succeed at work


Super Thinking

Build your own latticework of mental models, develop a set of frameworks and shortcuts that helps you cut through complexity, maximise mental resources, improve productivity, separate good ideas from the bad and make the best possible decisions


Self Improvement

Shape the way you think about progress, goals and success by mastering the craft of self improvement. Learn to apply right tools and strategies to overcome learning limitations, build strengths, broaden your passions and create new opportunities to live a happier, healthier life



Principles and values in these books provide enduring, thought provoking lessons that are incredibly effective and inspirational. They are difficult to apply as they go against our basic human nature, societal norms but a conscious effort to put them into practice can bring success at work and in relationships


Leaders In Making

Explore a whole new world of leadership by breaking old patterns and navigating through the unfamiliar. Learn to steer right through complexity and uncertainty in a fast-moving world. Develop trust based leadership, identify revolutionary practices through answer to some of the most powerful questions


New Managers

Valuable insights and practical guidance wrapped up with real life scenarios that will bring immense value to new managers trying to navigate the change into management role. Simple and uncomplicated to get you started on the right path

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